24 Kekse II: Day 17 & 18: Hat es irgendwer bemerkt? // Did anybody notice
Frau Zuckerguss | Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011 | Kommentare: 0
Waaaaahhhhh. Das kann schon mal passieren in der Weihnachtszeit. Da ist man so beschäftigt, dass man glatt einen Tag lang nichts schreibt. Aber shame on you lieber Leser, immerhin hat es ja auch keine Beschwerden gegeben. Nichts desto trotz habe ich natürlich gebacken - keine Frage. Gestern gab es Chai Lebkuchen und heute einen Keksbrösel-Cheesescake mit frischen Cranberries,weil doch Sonntag ist und was wäre der ohne ein Torterl?
Waaaahhhhh. Ok this can happen at christmastime. I was so into preparing everything that I forgot to post yesterday. But shame on you dear reader, you didn't even complain! Of course I've been baking the last two days and here's what I've produced: yesterday I made Chai-Gingerbread and today a brokencookies-Cheesecake with fresh Cranberries, for it is Sunday and so the day of the cakes.
Chai-Lebkuchen // Chai-Gingerbread |
So here's the story about the brokencookie-Cheesecake: Since today is sunday, the day of the coffee with wippedcream and artificial sweetener (you have to look for the sugarlevels...) and also the day of the cakes. In every viennese Coffeehouse, exactely at this moment, they cut one Malakoff-cake after the other. Since this kind of cake has nothing to do with cookies, I am not going to bake one. But I am so fortunate to have a lot of broken cookies, which I can use now for the Cheesecake.
Keksbrösel-Cheesecake / brokencookie Cheesecake |
In the meantime I've been decorating the tree - not that anyone would think I've been lazy yesterday...
Der schönste Baum der Welt // The most beautiful tree in the world |
Chai-Lebkuchen / Chai-Gingerbread
Keksbrösel-Cheesecake / brokencookies-Cheesecake:
Boden: 160g Keksbrösel, 60g Butter bei 190°C 9min backen
Füllung: 900g Frischkäse, 320g Zucker, 30g Stärke, 1TL Vanillezucker, 2 Eier, 175ml Schlagobers
bei 190°C 1h im Wasserbad backen.
dough: 160g brokencookies, 60g butter bake at 190°C for 9min.
Filling: 900g cream cheese, 320g sugar, 30g farina, 1tsp vanillaextract, 2 eggs, 175ml whipped cream
bake at 190°C for 1 hour in a waterbath.
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